Gold Medal Software 2
Gold Medal Software Volume 2 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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Text File
726 lines
* from:
* Author: Kai Uwe Rommel
* Date: Sun 07-Oct-1990
* Update: Sat 20-Oct-1990
* Update: Sun 11-Nov-1990 Ralf Brown
* Compiler: MS C 5.00 and newer / compact model, or TC 2.0 / compact model
* System: PC/MS-DOS 3.20 and newer, OS/2 1.0 and newer
* are programs for pop-up help included the TurboPower Software package
* Turbo Professional.
* Transscriptor: Bent Lynggaard
* Date: 1.00 Sun 24-Mar-1991
* Update: 1.01 Tue 02-Apr-1991 - test '!', ';' in line pos 1.
* - test disk full
* 1.02 Sun 14-Apr-1991 - smaller index pages
* - main index always leads to start of
* an INT #
* 1.03 Sun 12-May-1991 - configuration file.
* 1.04 Sat 18-May-1991 - conditional mask in *.cfg
* 1.05 Sun 29-Dec-1991 - fixed \n bug in configure()
* 1.06 Sun 09-May-1992 - adjusted for change in file format
* - "dividerline" info as headings
* - all registers can carry parameters
* 1.07 Sat 19-Dec-1992 - fixed bug (reading from closed file)
* - "dividerline" info as topics
* - "dividerline" char 9 function info
* - new subtopic criteria
* - program initialization in
* configuration file
* - splitting up long topics
* 1.08 Sun 04-Apr-1993 - topic # in "Missing divider line"
* to ease manual editing
* 1.09 Sat 03-Jul-1993 - fixed bug introduced in v. 1.07
* This program creates output to the standard output device. The output
* should be redirected to a file INTERRUP.TXT. The created file should
* be compiled by the TurboPower MAKEHELP program to a INTERRUP.HLP file,
* which can be interpreted by the TurboPower GUIDE TSR program:
* GUIDE INTERRUP (or enter GUIDE with a hot key, press F3,
* enter INTERRUP)
* TurboPower Software supplies a program called POPHELP in their Object
* Professional package, which is a successor to GUIDE. INT2GUID has
* facilities for conditional interpretation of supplementary files, so
* these files can include code optimized for both GUIDE and POPHELP, and
* the parts compiled depends on a mask defined in the configuration file.
* The following is considered in creating the topic (and popup window)
* headers:
* The first word in the header is the interrupt number, so that GUIDE's
* search mechanism can find the entry if the hot key is pressed when
* the cursor is at an interrupt number.
* MAKEHELP restricts the (length of longest header + 1) times the number
* of topics to 64 kB. INTER191 had about 2200 topics, so the length of
* the headers should be limited to 25 characters. However, rather than
* truncating the INTERRUP.LST header lines to some nonsense, this
* program uses only the interrupt number as topic headings, plus the
* AH or AX values where applicable.
* (v. 1.06: "divider line" info (e.g. "214C" in "--------214C------...")
* is used for headings, thus allowing a more selective search by GUIDE's
* cursor-word search.)
* The main index references some subindeces. The subindeces use the
* MAKEHELP cross reference facility. MAKEHELP limits the number of cross
* references to 50 per topic, however, this program limits each subindex
* to 18 entries, so each "topic" can be shown on one single screen with
* height 20 lines. For each interrupt number, the entries are temporarily
* stored, and written to the current subindex page only if all entries
* for the interrupt number fit on the page.
* MAKEHELP's text wrapping mechanism is disabled, and as the active
* window is limited to 76 characters, some lines are missing one or two
* characters.
* The amount of text that can be displayed per topic is limited by
* GUIDE's setting of pages/topic (default = 20) and the screen height
* defined when GUIDE was initialized.
#define LABEL "int2guid.c"
#define VERSION "1.07"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define divider_line(s) (strncmp(s,"--------",8)==0)
#define maxIndeces 18
/* max 50, 18 gives one page with height 20 (18 active lines) */
#define mainIndex 200
/* 1-99 reserved for program, 100-199 reserved for user */
#define false 0
#define true 1
FILE *input, *output, *topics, *subtopics, *config;
char line1[128];
char line2[128];
char configline[128];
char tempBuffer[50 * 128];
char *tempPtr;
char category[4] = "--";
char nextHeader[16] = "??"; /* v. 1.07: 16 rather than 14 */
char infilename[14] = "interrup.lst";
#define infileExt 9
int splitInfile = 0;
int classification = 0;
int WIDTH = 80;
/* WIDTH is the screen with for GUIDE/POPHELP. 80 is the best choice for
GUIDE, 78 is the best choice for POPHELP (which does not count the
frame as a part of the screen). The configuration file can change
this value. v. 1.07.
long topicStart = 0; /* v. 1.07 */
unsigned maxTopicLength = 32000; /* v. 1.07 */
/* texts longer than maxTopicLength are split into two or more topics.
The configuration file can change this value.
char currentHeader[16]; /* v. 1.07 */
char configfile[14] = "int2guid.cfg";
char configmarker[18] = "INT2GUIDE CONFIG";
char missingFile[] = "Missing include file.";
int sub = 0, indexed = 1;
unsigned currentID = 1, activeID = 1, indeces = 0, indexNo = 0, buffered = 0,
subindeces, activeSub, mask;
int headerlength; /* v. 1.07 */
unsigned reservedID = mainIndex; /* v. 1.07 */
/* reservedID reserves some topic numbers for long texts that are split
into more than one topic. currentID must then be incremented via a
function call in order to skip the reserved topics.
void exitfunc(void)
void errorexit(char *msg)
/* writes msg to stderr and exits with error code 1 */
fputs(msg, stderr);
} /* errorexit */
void diskFull(int temporary)
/* reports disk full and exits */
char msg[80];
sprintf(msg,"\n\nDisk full, %s file\n", temporary ? "temporary" : "output");
} /* diskFull */
int _fputs(char *line, FILE *stream)
/* filters TABs to spaces, and inserts a leading space in lines starting
with the MAKEHELP command and comment characters '!' and ';'. "_fputs"
should be used when copying from unknown sources. Use "fputs" when
copying files with information specifically for this program.
char buffer[128];
int cnt = 0;
if ( (*line=='!') || (*line==';') ) /* MAKEHELP command/comment? */
buffer[cnt++] = ' '; /* start with a space */
while ( *line )
switch ( *line )
case '\t': do buffer[cnt++] = ' '; while ( cnt & 7 ); break;
/* MAKEHELP does not interpret tabs */
default : buffer[cnt++] = *line;
buffer[cnt] = 0;
if ( (cnt = fputs(buffer, stream)) == EOF )
diskFull(stream != output);
return cnt;
char *_fgets(char *s, int n, FILE *stream)
char *ptr;
ptr = fgets(s, n, stream);
if ( (ptr==NULL) && (stream==input) ) /* v. 1.09: edited */
fclose(input); /* 1.09: also unsplit file must be closed */
if ( splitInfile )
input = fopen(infilename, "r");
if ( input != NULL )
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", infilename);
ptr = fgets(s, n, input);
return ptr;
} /* _fgets */
void Initialize(void)
input = fopen(infilename, "r");
if ( input == NULL )
infilename[infileExt] = 'a';
infilename[infileExt+1] = 0;
input = fopen(infilename, "r");
if ( input == NULL )
fputs("Cannot open input file (INTERRUP.LST or INTERRUP.A)\n", stderr);
splitInfile = 1;
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", infilename);
output = stdout;
topics = fopen("topic.tmp", "w");
subtopics = fopen("subtopic.tmp", "w");
tempPtr = tempBuffer;
";INTERRUPT help text for MAKEHELP/GUIDE.\n;\n!WIDTH %u\n;\n",WIDTH);
/* v. 1.07: WIDTH rather than constant 80. WIDTH is initialized to 80
and can be changed in the configuration file.
fprintf(topics, "!TOPIC 1 Interrupt List\n!INDEX %u\n", mainIndex);
int incrementID(void)
/* v. 1.07: introduced in order to skip reserved IDs when incrementing currentID */
if (currentID == mainIndex)
currentID = reservedID;
return currentID;
} /* incrementID */
void testTopic(void) /* limit xrefs/topic to maxIndeces */
if ( indeces+buffered >= maxIndeces ) /* leave one entry for forw. ref */
fprintf(topics, "\004%u\005INT %s\005 (index continued)\n"
"!TOPIC %u INT %s (cont)\n!INDEX %u\n"
"(continued \004%u\005from\005)\n",
currentID, category, currentID, category, ++indexNo, activeID);
indeces = 1; /* the backwards ref */
activeID = currentID;
} /* testTopic */
void copyBuffer(void)
if ( buffered == 0 )
if ( fputs(tempBuffer, topics) == EOF )
indeces += buffered;
buffered = 0;
tempPtr = tempBuffer;
} /* copyBuffer */
void Cleanup(void)
fputs("Cleaning up\n", stderr);
topics = fopen("topic.tmp", "r");
subtopics = fopen("subtopic.tmp", "r");
while ( fgets(line1, sizeof(line1), topics) )
if ( fputs(line1, output) == EOF )
while ( fgets(line1, sizeof(line1), subtopics) )
if ( fputs(line1, output) == EOF )
} /* Cleanup */
void putAndCount(int putFunc(), char *line)
/* split topic if maxTopicLength is exceeded. v. 1.07 */
int ID, rID;
if ((ftell(output) - topicStart) > maxTopicLength)
ID = currentID;
rID = (reservedID > currentID) ? reservedID++ : ++currentID;
if (fprintf(output,"\004%u\005(text continues)\005\n"
"!TOPIC %u %s\n!NOINDEX\n"
"\004%u\005(text continued from)\005\n",
rID, rID, currentHeader, ID) == EOF)
topicStart = ftell(output);
if (putFunc(line, output) == EOF)
} /* putAndCount */
int CopyFile(char *name, int commands)
/* copies a file to the database, returns 0 for success or 1 for error */
/* If commands!=0, also interprets lines starting with "!! <number>" as
an update to variable "condition", and copies lines to the database
only if condition == 0 or (condition & mask) != 0
int condition = 0;
FILE *temp = fopen(name, "r");
char s[128];
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", name);
if ( temp == NULL )
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Could not open %s\n", name);
fputs("Information was not available\n", output);
return 1;
while ( fgets(line2, sizeof(line2), temp) )
if ( !commands )
putAndCount(_fputs, line2);
/* does line start with "!! <number>" ? */
if ( sscanf(line2, "!!%i", &condition) != 1 )
/* yes: condition updated, sscanf returns 1 */
if ( (condition==0) || (condition & mask) )
if (sscanf(line2, "!%s", s) == 1)
if (strcmp(strupr(s), "TOPIC") == 0)
topicStart = ftell(output);
putAndCount(fputs, line2);
fputs("!NOWRAP\n", output); /* in case it was left in !WRAP state */
return 0;
} /* CopyFile */
void testTemp(void)
/* v. 1.06: allow no more than 50 entries in tempBuffer */
/* v. 1.07: allow no more than 48 entries in tempBuffer */
if (buffered >= 48)
fprintf(stderr,"INT %s has more than 48 subtopics and therefore more than one entry\n"
"in the main index (topic %u).\n", category, currentID);
} /* testTemp */
void testSubtopic(char *marker)
if ( ++subindeces >= maxIndeces )
sprintf(tempPtr, "\004%u\005%s\005 (list cont.)\n",
incrementID(), marker);
tempPtr += strlen(tempPtr);
"\004%u\005%s\005 (list cont.)\n!TOPIC %u %s (list cont)\n!NOINDEX\n"
"(continued \004%u\005from\005)\n",
currentID, marker, currentID, category, activeSub);
activeSub = currentID;
subindeces = 2;
} /* testSubtopic */
void StartTopic(char *header, char *marker, char *desc)
topicStart = ftell(output); /* v. 1.07 */
strncpy(currentHeader, header, sizeof(currentHeader));
currentHeader[sizeof(currentHeader)-1] = 0;
if (sub)
if ( fprintf(subtopics, "\004%u\005%s\005 %s",
incrementID(), marker, desc) == EOF )
if (fprintf(output, "\004%u\005INT %s\005 (continued)\n",
currentID, category) == EOF)
/* insert a reference to this one in the former topic */
} /* if (sub) */
sprintf(tempPtr, "\004%u\005%s\005 %s", incrementID(), marker, desc);
tempPtr += strlen(tempPtr);
} /* else */
fprintf(output, "!TOPIC %u %s\n", currentID, header);
if ( indexed )
fprintf(output, indexed ? "!INDEX %u\n" : "!NOINDEX\n", indexNo);
} /* StartTopic */
void StartList(void)
/* v. 1.07: reorganized and edited */
fprintf(subtopics, "!TOPIC %u %s (list)\n!NOINDEX\n", incrementID(), category);
if (fputs(tempBuffer, subtopics) == NULL)
diskFull(true); /* copy one entry in buffer to subtopics */
sub = 1;
subindeces = 1;
activeSub = currentID;
tempPtr = tempBuffer; /* reset buffer pointer */
buffered = 1; /* the entry we are going to use now */
sprintf(tempPtr, "\004%u\005%s\005 (list)\n", currentID, category);
tempPtr += strlen(tempPtr);
} /* StartList */
/* void EndList(void) - not used */
/* char *NextID(void) - not used */
int RecognizedTopic(void)
/* v. 1.07: revised to use newheader info for marker string rather than
interpreting lines 1 and 2, and to use subtopics when there is more
than one entry rather than when there are entries with parameters.
char *ptr, *pdesc, topic[4], marker[20];
if (input == NULL)
return 0; /* v. 1.07: check input == NULL rather than read second line */
if ( (pdesc = strchr(line1, '-')) == NULL )
pdesc = "(description not found)\n";
if (headerlength==0) /* if info was missing in the dividerline */
{ /* take INT # from line1[4]-[5] */
strncpy(nextHeader, &line1[4], 2);
nextHeader[2] = '\0';
fprintf(stderr,"Missing divider line info in topic %u:\n%s",
currentID, line1); /* 1.08: edited */
strncpy(topic, nextHeader, 2); /* interrupt number */
topic[2] = '\0';
if ( strcmp(category, topic) )
sub = 0;
strcpy(category, topic);
fprintf(stderr, "%s\015", topic); /* show progress */
if (sub==0) /* v. 1.07 */
/* v. 1.07: insert reference was moved to StartTopic */
strcpy(marker, nextHeader); /* v. 1.07: use nextHeader for marker */
/* nextheader format: IIAHALXXNNNN_F (_F only if headerlength<0 */
/* marker format: II AHAL XXNNNN F */
if (headerlength < 0)
headerlength = abs(headerlength);
marker[headerlength-2] = ' '; /* '_' to space */
if (headerlength > 2)
for (ptr = marker+headerlength+1; ptr >= &marker[2]; ptr--)
ptr[1] = *ptr;
/* memcpy(&marker[3], &marker[2], headerlength - 1);
did not work properly (compiler direction handling error)
marker[2] = ' ';
if (headerlength > 6+2)
for (ptr = marker+headerlength+2; ptr >= &marker[7]; ptr--)
ptr[1] = *ptr;
/* memcpy(&marker[8], &marker[7], headerlength - 5);
again. compiler error
marker[7] = ' ';
ptr = &marker[6];
while (*ptr == '_')
*ptr-- = ' '; /* spaces for AL or AX if unused */
} /* if (headerlength > 6+2) */
} /* if (headerlength > 2) *
/* v. 1.06: use global "nextHeader" rather than local "header" */
/* v. 1.07: local "header" deleted */
StartTopic(nextHeader, marker, pdesc);
_fputs(line1, output);
return 1;
} /* RecognizedTopic */
void CopyTopic(void)
/* v. 1.07: edited to split long texts into two or more topics */
char *ptr, *ptr2;
for (;;)
if ( _fgets(line1, sizeof(line1), input) == NULL )
if ( !divider_line(line1) )
putAndCount(_fputs, line1);
if ( _fgets(line2, sizeof(line2), input) == NULL )
if ( strncmp(line2, "INT ", 4) )
putAndCount(_fputs, line1);
putAndCount(_fputs, line2);
/* v. 1.06: store divider line info as a header */
/* v. 1.07: edited */
strncpy(nextHeader, line1+10, 12);
for (ptr=nextHeader+11; *ptr=='-'; ptr--)
if (ptr>&nextHeader[4])
for (ptr2=&nextHeader[2]; ptr2<ptr && ptr2<&nextHeader[6]; ptr2++)
if (*ptr2 == '-')
*ptr2 = '_';
headerlength = ptr - nextHeader + 1;
if (classification && line1[8]!='-')
*++ptr='_'; /* add char. 9 function classification */
headerlength = -headerlength-2;
strcpy(line1, line2);
} /* else */
} /* else */
} /* for (;;) */
} /* CopyTopic */
void configError(void)
errorexit("\nFormat error in configuration file.\n");
} /* configError */
void readconfig(void)
/* reads one line from file config to configline */
if ( fgets(configline, sizeof(configline), config) == NULL )
} /* readconfig */
void openconfig(void)
/* opens configuration file and reads the initial part up to a line starting
with "=". This code defines how the initial lines are interpreted.
v. 1.07 defines:
configline[0] == '=': end of initial part
configline[0] == ';': comment
configline[0] == 'W': assign value to WIDTH
configline[0] == 'M': assign value to maxTopicLength
configline[0] == 'C': assign true to classification
The definitions are case sensitive.
int confv, confsubv;
char dummy[128];
config = fopen(configfile, "r");
if ( config == NULL )
fputs("\nWarning: No configuration file.\n", stderr);
if (strncmp(configline, configmarker, strlen(configmarker)))
if (sscanf(configline, "%u%u", &confv, &confsubv) < 2)
if ((confv = ((confv << 8) + confsubv)) < 0x104)
errorexit ("\nThe configuration file is incompatible with this"
" version of INT2GUID");
if (confv < 0x107)
while (!feof(config))
switch (configline[0])
case '=': return; /* done */
case ';': break; /* comment */
case 'W':
case 'M':
if ( sscanf(configline, "%s%u", &dummy,
configline[0]=='W' ? &WIDTH : &maxTopicLength) < 2 )
case 'C': classification = true; break; /* include classification */
default: fprintf(stderr, "\nWARNING: Error in configuration file:\n%s",
} /* switch */
} /* while */
} /* openconfig */
void copyline(char *str, int len)
/* copies configline (after deleting the terminating '\n') to str
for max len characters. */
configline[strlen(configline)-1] = 0; /* ignore '\n' */
strncpy(str, configline, len);
str[len] = 0; /* edited: v. 1.05 */
} /* copyline */
void configure(void)
/* parses configuration file */
#define maxHeader 14
#define markerLen 12
int command, extraTopics, i;
char header[(maxHeader+2) & 0xFE], marker[(markerLen+2) & 0xFE],
desc[(76-markerLen) & 0xFE], filename[80];
/* v. 1.07: initial part moved to openconfig() */
while ( !feof(config) )
while ( (fgets(configline, sizeof(configline), config) != NULL)
&& (configline[0] == ';') ) ;
if feof(config) break;
copyline(filename, 79);
copyline(header, maxHeader);
copyline(marker, markerLen);
i = strlen(marker);
while ( i<markerLen-1 ) /* pad with spaces if short */
marker[i++] = ' '; /* is already 0-terminated at markerLen */
copyline(desc, 76-markerLen-2);
i = strlen(desc); /* edited: v. 1.05 */
desc[i] = '\n';
desc[++i] = 0;
if ( sscanf(configline, "%u%u%i", &command, &extraTopics, &mask) < 3 )
StartTopic(header, marker, desc);
CopyFile(filename, command);
currentID += extraTopics;
#undef maxHeader
#undef markerLen
} /* configure */
void main(void)
fprintf(stderr, "\nINT2GUID %s - (c) Kai Uwe Rommel/Bent Lynggaard - %s\n",
Initialize(); /* uses topic 1 */
StartTopic("Copyright etc.", "Copyright ", "and references.\n");
if ( CopyFile("int2guid.ref", true) ) /* topic 2 */
StartTopic("INTERRUP.LST", "HEADER ", "Overview of the Interrupt List\n");
fputs("(See also \4""4\5INTERRUP.1ST\5)\n", output); /* insert reference */
CopyTopic(); /* topic 3 */
StartTopic("INTERRUP.1ST", "Mail etc. ", "How to get/update INTERRUP.LST\n");
if ( CopyFile("interrup.1st", false) ) /* topic 4 */
StartTopic("GUIDE Program", "GUIDE ", "Popup Reference Engine.\n");
if ( CopyFile("int2guid.gui", true) ) /* topic 5 */
indexed = 0;
indexNo = mainIndex;
while ( RecognizedTopic() )
/* End of INT2GUID.C */